HTML5 Tags
In this page all HTML5 tags that include newer html5 tags, previous version tags that are still usefull (always will be), and previous version some tags remove that are no more longer uses. Following all HTML5 Tags alphabetically listed with references, examples.
Tag List | Tag with Description
HTML5 Tags with Description
NEW - New tag introduce in HTML5
REMOVE - Not Support in HTML5
NEW / REMOVE - New tag introduce in HTML5, But now not Support in HTML5
REMOVE - Not Support in HTML5
NEW / REMOVE - New tag introduce in HTML5, But now not Support in HTML5
Tag | Description | In HTML5? |
<!--...--> | Describe a comment text in the source code | |
<!doctype> | Defines a document type | |
<a> | Specific a anchor (Hyperlink) Use for link in internal/external web documents. | |
<abbr> | Describes an abbreviation (acronyms) | |
<acronym> | Describes an acronyms | REMOVE |
<address> | Describes an address information | |
<applet> | Embedding an applet in HTML document | REMOVE |
<area> | Defines an area in an image map | |
<article> | Defines an article | NEW |
<aside> | Describes contain set(or write) on aside place in page contain | NEW |
<audio> | Specific audio content | NEW |
<b> | Specific text weight bold | |
<base> | Define a base URL for all the links with in a web page | |
<basefont> | Describes a default font color, size, face in a document | REMOVE |
<bb> | Define browser command, that command invoke as per client action | NEW/ REMOVE |
<bdo> | Specific direction of text display | |
<big> | Defines a big text | REMOVE |
<blockquote> | Specifies a long quotation | |
<body> | Defines a main section(body) part in HTML document | |
<br> | Specific a single line break | |
<button> | Specifies a press/push button | |
<canvas> | Specifies the display graphics on HTML web documment | NEW |
<caption> | Define a table caption | |
<center> | Specifies a text is display in center align | REMOVE |
<cite> | Specifies a text citation | |
<code> | Specifies computer code text | |
<col> | Specifies a each column within a <colgroup> element in table | |
<colgroup> | Defines a group of one or more columns inside table | |
<command> | Define a command button, invoke as per user action | NEW |
<datagrid> | Define a represent data in datagrid either list wise or tree wise | NEW |
<datalist> | Define a list of pre-defined options surrounding <input> tag | NEW |
<dd> | Defines a definition description in a definition list | |
<del> | Specific text deleted in web document | |
<details> | Define a additional details hide or show as per user action | NEW |
<dfn> | Define a definition team | |
<dialog> | Define a chat conversation between one or more person | NEW/ REMOVE |
<dir> | Define a directory list | REMOVE |
<div> | Define a division part | |
<dl> | Define a definition list | |
<dt> | Define a definition team | |
<em> | Define a text is emphasize format | |
<embed> | Define a embedding external application using a relative plug-in | NEW |
<eventsource> | Define a generate an event to remote server | NEW |
<fieldset> | Define a set of border (group of form elements border) | |
<figcaption> | Define a caption for a figure tag media contain | NEW |
<figure> | Define a group of media contain and figure caption | NEW |
<font> | Define a font size, font face and color for text | REMOVE |
<footer> | Define a footer section of web document | NEW |
<form> | Define a form for input data from user | |
<frame> | Define a frame that open URL source for seprate contain frame | REMOVE |
<frameset> | Define a split the browser window in several individual frames | REMOVE |
<h1> to <h6> | Define a Headings level 1 to 6 size | |
<head> | Define a heading information section for document | |
<header> | Define a header for section or document | NEW |
<hgroup> | Define a group of headings tags | NEW |
<hr> | Define a horizontal rule (horizontal line) | |
<html> | Define a document is a HTML markup language | |
<i> | Define a italic format text | |
<iframe> | Define a inline frame | |
<img> | Define a individual image open in document | |
<input> | Define a get information in selected input | |
<ins> | Define a pre-inserted text into document | |
<isindex> | Define a single line input to search an online index | REMOVE |
<kbd> | Define a keyboard text | |
<keygen> | Define to generate a secure key pair of selected field in HTML form | NEW |
<label> | Define a specific label value | |
<legend> | Define a specific heading of HTML form around border | |
<li> | Define a list item either order list or unorder list | |
<link> | Define a external source document link to document | |
<map> | Define a image map to client side | |
<mark> | Define a text is mark to a highlighted in document | NEW |
<menu> | Define a menu list | |
<meta> | Optimize ranking of web page in search engine | |
<meter> | Define a measured value | NEW |
<nav> | Define a navigation link | NEW |
<noframes> | Define a browser does not support a frame at that time <noframes> tag message will be display | REMOVE |
<noscript> | Define a browser does not support a script at that time <noscript> tag message will be display | |
<object> | Define an embedded multimedia object | |
<ol> | Define a list in ordered wise | |
<optgroup> | Define the options group | |
<option> | Define a multiple option item list | |
<output> | Define a calculation result of performed by a script | NEW |
<p> | Define a paragraph | |
<param> | Define a parameter for an object | |
<pre> | Define a predefined text | |
<progress> | Define a progress task of any kind ( or upload file) | NEW |
<q> | Define a short quotation | |
<rp> | Define a specific message when chinese character (ruby typography) does not support browser at that time message will be display | NEW |
<rt> | Define a specific message when chinese character (ruby typography) does not support browser at that time message will be display | NEW |
<ruby> | Define a chinese character (ruby typography) | NEW |
<s> | Define a middle horizontal line in text | |
<samp> | Define a sample output from a computer program code | |
<script> | Define a client side script | |
<section> | Define a section in document | NEW |
<select> | Define a list of selectable options that are select one or more option | |
<small> | Define a small text | |
<source> | Define a media sources from URL | NEW |
<span> | Use to applying attributes in seprated section in document | |
<strike> | Define a middle strick line over text | REMOVE |
<strong> | Define a strong text | |
<style> | Define a style sheet definition | |
<sub> | Define a subscript text | |
<sup> | Define a superscript text | |
<table> | Define a table | |
<tbody> | Define a table body | |
<td> | Define a table data(cell) | |
<textarea> | Define a multiline text input | |
<tfoot> | Define a table footer | |
<th> | Define a table header cell | |
<thead> | Define a group of table header elements | |
<time> | Define a specific time, date | NEW |
<title> | Define a document title | |
<tr> | Define a table row | |
<track> | Specifies a subtitles, descriptions, chapters, metadata, captions that surrounding to <video> or <audio> tag | NEW |
<tt> | Define a teletype text | REMOVE |
<u> | Define a underline text | |
<ul> | Define a unordered wise list | |
<var> | Define a variable text | |
<video> | Define a video like movie clip, video clip attach in document | NEW |
<wbr> | Define a Word Break. <wbr> tag specifies to break the word when line break | NEW |
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